
7 Ways You Can Support A Sober Spouse Over The Holidays

7 Ways You Can Support A Sober Spouse Over The Holidays

One in three Americans reports that substance addiction has affected their family. If this is the case for you too, you are probably asking yourself - how can I support my sober partner over the holiday season? While many people are excited about Christmas, others who are battling addiction often find this time of the year particularly stressful.

Here are 7 ways you can support your sober spouse over the holidays.

11 Steps to a Sober Holiday Season

11 Steps to a Sober Holiday Season

Whether you started your recovery journey recently or many years ago, the holiday season can be pretty challenging. It seems like society has conditioned us to think that celebration equals alcohol. And it is no surprise that many people find that triggering.

With that in mind, here’s 11 steps you can use to help you get through the holiday season sober 🤜

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

Once you give up drinking, it can seem like half the things you used to enjoy are off the table. But if half your social life revolves around alcohol, this is unhealthy and may have been a contributing factor that leads to addiction. Deciding to live without alcohol may seem challenging, but all you have to do is look for things you can substitute for drinking.

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Care?

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Care?

“Trauma-Informed Care” is the new kid on the block when it comes to addiction treatment. But what exactly does it mean?

Trauma-informed care recognizes that it is not only physical trauma that can have long-lasting neurological, emotional, social, biological, and psychological effects. It also involves five guiding principles that are adhered to by people’s physical and emotional safety.

Mindfulness Doesn’t Work For Me, What Now?

Mindfulness Doesn’t Work For Me, What Now?

Mindfulness and meditation are considered cornerstones of good mental health. But what if it doesn’t work for you? If so, don't worry; you are not alone. Mental health is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, and just as humans are different, so will our responses differ. We break down what mindfulness is and what you can try if you don’t find it helpful.

10 Stress-Busting Techniques to Try Today

10 Stress-Busting Techniques to Try Today

Stress is America's silent killer. The consequences of prolonged periods of stress are as harmful to the body as alcoholism and substance abuse, but many don't pay attention to the warning signs. Don't let this happen to you. When you notice your stress levels rising, use one of our ten stress-busting tips.

What To Do If You Think Your Child Is Drinking

What To Do If You Think Your Child Is Drinking

As a parent, it can feel terrifying to suspect that your child or teen has started drinking. You feel helpless, torn between wanting to protect them and knowing that they need to start making decisions for themselves. There are constructive and destructive ways to approach this sensitive topic, and we're here to help you do it the right way.

Zach N: From Near Death to Recovery from Heroin & Opioid Addiction

Zach N: From Near Death to Recovery from Heroin & Opioid Addiction

Zach had a great job, was making “killer” cash, and thought that because he had money, his drug use wasn’t a problem. He was spending $600/day on heroin & opioids for years. After a near-death experience, he got help. Now, he’s been clean for six years. Read his inspirational story & learn what message he has to share with anyone struggling with addiction.

How Experiential Therapies Help Those Recovering from Addiction

How Experiential Therapies Help Those Recovering from Addiction

Successful recovery requires a multifaceted approach that tackles the different physical, behavioral, and cognitive components of addiction. An increasingly popular method that works in conjunction with traditional talking treatments is experiential therapy.

6 Celebrities Who You Didn’t Know Are Recovering From Addiction

6 Celebrities Who You Didn’t Know Are Recovering From Addiction

When we think of celebrities, it’s easy to think about what movies they’ve been in, what songs they have sung, or what accomplishments they have made in their lives. We think of their Instagram posts, appearances on late night television, or even the ordinary moments that remind us that they are human.