Mastering Boundaries in Recovery: Three Key Strategies for Success

Mastering Boundaries in Recovery: Three Key Strategies for Success

🌟 Master your recovery journey with our latest blog, Mastering Boundaries in Recovery. Dive into practical, psychologist-approved tools like CBT, the Drama Triangle, and MBSR. Learn how to set boundaries that protect your sobriety and enhance your well-being. 💪

ADHD & Addiction: Finding A Way to Be Healthy and Happy

ADHD & Addiction: Finding A Way to Be Healthy and Happy

🧠 Struggling with ADHD and addiction? You're not alone. Our latest blog sheds light on this complex relationship and offers practical strategies for managing both. Discover how structure, mindfulness, exercise, and the right support can pave the way to a healthier, happier you. 🌟 Whether it's finding your tribe or seeking professional help, we guide you through every step.

Sobriety Tips to Get You Through the Holiday Season

Sobriety Tips to Get You Through the Holiday Season

🎄 Navigating the holiday season in recovery? We've got you covered. 🌟 Check out our latest blog for essential tips to maintain your sobriety during this festive time. From leaning on your support network to practicing mindfulness, we share strategies to help you enjoy the holidays while staying true to your recovery journey. 💪

The Link Between Sleep and Recovery: Navigating Addiction's Impact

The Link Between Sleep and Recovery: Navigating Addiction's Impact

In the challenging journey of addiction recovery, sleep is a crucial but often overlooked ally. There is a deep link between sleep and recovery, and addiction can disrupt this important aspect of well-being. Learn everything you need to know about the importance of prioritizing good sleep practices as a vital part of restoration and renewal, and remember that we're here to support you or your loved one through every step of the journey.

5 Things Your Loved One With Depression Wants You to Know

5 Things Your Loved One With Depression Wants You to Know

Depression – a word often thrown around casually in conversations, but for those battling with it, the reality can feel exhausting. When a loved one is living with depression, it can feel hard to understand what they’re going through. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things that our loved ones wished we knew when they were at their lowest.

What is EMDR Therapy? A Comprehensive Guide

What is EMDR Therapy? A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the world of therapy can sometimes feel like wandering through a maze with a multitude of turns and decisions. Among the various therapeutic approaches, EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing stands out, particularly for individuals grappling with traumatic experiences. But what exactly is EMDR, and how does it function? Let’s delve into the details.

5 Ways to Help A Loved One During a Panic Attack 

5 Ways to Help A Loved One During a Panic Attack 

Did you know? Panic attacks and anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health challenges with studies showing that an estimated 13% of people will experience a panic attack at some point in their life. Despite their prevalence, it can be difficult to know how to respond to a friend or loved one who is experiencing a sudden and unpredictable onset of panic.

How to Discuss Addiction Treatment With Your Employer

How to Discuss Addiction Treatment With Your Employer

Seeking treatment for a substance use disorder is a life-changing decision and for many people in recovery, the choice to get professional help holds the key to getting their life back on track. Nevertheless, addiction treatment is a considerable commitment, especially for those in need of assistance from an inpatient program.

What are Relapse Dreams? 3 Things You Should Know

What are Relapse Dreams? 3 Things You Should Know

It’s no secret that getting quality sleep has a major impact on our overall health and well-being, but for people in recovery, falling asleep may not always be as relaxing as it sounds. Relapse dreams can be a common occurrence for both those progressing through addiction treatment and those maintaining their sobriety, but what are relapse dreams and what do they mean for your recovery?

College Students and Drinking: Is Your Child Hiding Their Alcohol Abuse? 

College Students and Drinking: Is Your Child Hiding Their Alcohol Abuse? 

As young adults entering a strange new world, college students face a variety of unique challenges that can feel both exciting and nerve-racking. In search of ways to cope with their new surroundings, many students resort to drinking as a way to fit in with their peers, manage stress, and lower inhibitions.

Living Substance Free: How to Cope With Boredom in Recovery

Living Substance Free: How to Cope With Boredom in Recovery

Boredom is a normal human experience, but it can be a formidable threat for people in addiction recovery. Feelings of boredom can increase the risk of substitute addictions, hazardous decisions, and relapse, especially for those in the early stages of adopting a sober lifestyle.

4 Common Misconceptions About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

4 Common Misconceptions About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

It’s no myth that getting sober is a transformative and tremendous accomplishment. An inpatient residential treatment program can offer you a way to ease into your recovery by removing external distractions and encouraging you to engage in healing therapies like mental health counseling, with 24/7 access to your treatment support team.

How to Manage Job Stress in Recovery: 6 Helpful Strategies

How to Manage Job Stress in Recovery: 6 Helpful Strategies

Most workplaces come with a special blend of stressors and responsibilities, but if your stress is having an impact on your ability to maintain your sobriety and mental health, it’s important to find realistic coping mechanisms to combat the pressure rather than rely on drugs or alcohol. Discover how to manage job stress without resorting to substances. Here are 6 helpful strategies to improve your workplace well-being.

7 Things to Do When a Loved One Relapses

7 Things to Do When a Loved One Relapses

Addiction is a chronic disease and studies show that 40-60% of people with a substance use disorder will face a relapse at some point. Managing a loved one’s relapse in recovery can be an arduous and emotionally taxing experience, but your support is critical to helping them get through it. Have you found yourself wondering what to do when a loved one relapses? Here are 7 things you can do to encourage them as they get their recovery back on track.

5 Ways a Sober Living Home Can Strengthen Your Recovery Goals

5 Ways a Sober Living Home Can Strengthen Your Recovery Goals

In the early stages of addiction recovery, it is not uncommon for the newly sober to discover their current living environment is creating a roadblock on their journey, as they may find themselves surrounded by distractions, stressors, and temptations that can usher in a relapse. In this post, we will explore the benefits of a sober living home, what you can expect from sober living requirements, and how changing your environment can radically encourage your recovery goals. Keep reading to learn more.

The Power of Ritual: 8 Tips to Create a Sober Morning Routine

The Power of Ritual: 8 Tips to Create a Sober Morning Routine

There is no sugarcoating that the early days of sobriety are difficult. Adjusting to new routines and mindsets without the influence of drugs or alcohol comes with a unique set of challenges and experiences. These challenges are a natural part of the recovery process, but it’s important to remember–just because sobriety is tough doesn’t mean it has to be hard. Read on to learn how a sober morning routine can help you hack your recovery goals and invite more ease into your day.

Marriage and Mental Health: How to Support a Spouse With Depression

Marriage and Mental Health: How to Support a Spouse With Depression

Depression can have devastating effects on those who suffer from it and their loved ones. If your spouse or partner is suffering from depression, the symptoms can have a strained impact on your marriage. However, your support is vital to helping your spouse as they work to overcome their mental health struggles. Keep reading to learn what you can do to help.

6 Addiction and Recovery Podcasts to Help Your Sobriety Thrive

6 Addiction and Recovery Podcasts to Help Your Sobriety Thrive

One of the hard truths of recovery is sticking with your decision to lead a sober lifestyle takes work. It isn’t a choice you make once, but rather one that you keep making time and time again. When the sobriety motivation starts to wane, having an arsenal of resources to support you can help you get through the tough moments without risking the progress you’ve already made. Grab your headphones and your favorite booze-free treat, here are 6 empowering recovery podcasts to keep you motivated on your path to sobriety.

How to Talk to A Child About a Parent Going into Addiction Treatment

How to Talk to A Child About a Parent Going into Addiction Treatment

Learn 7 tips for talking to children about a family member's addiction and entering treatment. It emphasizes the importance of preparation, creating a positive and supportive environment, explaining addiction in age-appropriate terms, discussing treatment, validating children's feelings, seeking additional support, and highlights the services offered by The Walker Center for mental health treatment and family therapy.

What Are Substitute Addictions & How Can You Avoid Them In Recovery?

What Are Substitute Addictions & How Can You Avoid Them In Recovery?

This article explores substitute addictions, which are behaviors adopted to replace unhealthy habits during recovery. It discusses the potential risks and negative impacts of substitute addictions while providing coping strategies to avoid relapse and promote a healthy recovery journey.